If you are thinking that the decision to buy new, refurbished, or used oilfield equipment is about the same as deciding between a new car and a used one, you aren’t far off. While the investment is substantially higher, the factors to consider aren’t much different. When you buy a used vehicle, you are inheriting whatever problems it might already have and losing the benefit of however many miles are already on it. When you buy a new one, you can have peace of mind you won’t face immediate repairs or failure, but you have a bigger price tag for that comfort.
The same holds true when considering oilfield equipment. However, you need to also consider what happens when something breaks down. If your used vehicle is in the shop for a few days, you can always rent another vehicle. It isn’t so easy when your oilfield equipment goes down. The losses can be substantial and quickly eat up any savings you might have achieved by going with used oilfield equipment.
Another thing that is similar between vehicles and oilfield equipment is that there can be quite a bit of difference in features between new equipment and older styles. If you want the latest in technology, safety, and functionality, you can only get that by going with new oilfield equipment.
If the cost of new oilfield equipment just isn’t within reach, consider refurbished equipment or go ahead and get used, but have it refurbished right away. At Keystone Oilfield Fabrication LLC, we fabricate oilfield equipment at our Rhome, Texas location for shipping throughout the state. We also offer refurbishing services within our service area. Reach out to us if you’d like information on cementing equipment, sand silos, proppant storage, or other oilfield equipment.