(817) 636-3300

Rectangle Open-Top Roll-Off Containers, Rhome, TX

Home > Waste Solutions > Roll-Off Containers, Rhome, TX > Rectangle Open-Top Roll-Off Containers, Rhome, TX

We offer both standard and customized rectangle open-top roll-off containers.

With the vast number of styles in roll-off containers available these days, it can be easy to forget that the old standard of rectangle open-top roll-off containers can be perfectly fine for a wide variety of uses. In fact, they are often preferable for many companies because of their durability, longevity, and overall strength. At Keystone Waste Solutions LLC in Rhome, Texas, we are happy to help you when a standard option will suit your needs, but we are also equipped to handle specialty, engineered-to-order solutions. We can help you navigate the standard options or create a custom solution specific to your needs.

Rectangle Open-Top Roll-Off Containers in Rhome, Texas

Roughly 80% of our customers opt for standard rectangle open-top roll-off containers or other standard styles they can order over the phone for delivery to their location anywhere in North America. The other 20% need a customized option. Whichever classification your company falls into, you can rest assured that you’ll receive a quality product that gives you lasting performance. We manufacture and service all waste-handling equipment, so feel free to reach out to discuss refurbishing your current containers or having repairs completed.

We specialize in the manufacture and service of waste-handling equipment!

If you have any questions about our standard or specialized rectangle open-top roll-off containers, other styles of waste-handling equipment, or our services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We will always put your company’s success as a priority and provide the best possible products and services.